Task Paralysis: What is it, and how can we break free?

Task Paralysis: What is it, and how can we break free?

I used to beat myself up over this so much.

Seriously, I’d call myself lazy and useless, feeling like I just couldn’t get anything done.

It was like there was this invisible brick wall stopping me from finishing tasks, and it really got me down.

Then I learned about task paralysis and how it ties into ADHD, and wow—what a relief.


Suddenly, it all made sense!

When you understand what’s going on, you can start figuring out how to deal with it.


⭐️ So, what exactly is task paralysis?

It’s when your brain gets completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks or the pressure to do them perfectly, and instead of getting to work, it just… shuts down.

Next thing you know, you’re scrolling through your phone, reorganising your desk for the fifth time, or binge-watching that new show instead of tackling your to-do list.


But here’s the thing: you’re not lazy.

Your brain is just on overload, and it’s freezing up as a result.

😊 The good news?

There are ways to break free from task paralysis!

Here are things that have really helped me.


💜 Start by breaking tasks down

~ like if cleaning a whole room feels overwhelming, just focus on tidying one small area, like a sock drawer, and ignore the rest.

Once you’ve tackled that, the next step feels easier.


💙 Use a timer or a playlist.

I’ll tell myself, “Okay, just work on this for 10 minutes,” set a timer, and get started.

Often, the hardest part is getting started, and before I know it, I’m working well past the 10 minutes.

Haha, take that ADHD brain, I tricked you!


✨️ My favourite one... say no to notifications!

Turning them off felt weird at first, but the peace and quiet that followed was life-changing.

It turns out I don’t need to know the second someone likes my photo of the cute cow I saw on my walk yesterday.

And if the idea of total silence freaks you out, don’t worry, you can customise which notifications and phone numbers can get through.

Remember, it’s all about finding what works for you and taking things one step at a time.

Can you relate to task paralysis? 🤯

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