Bestie Book Club Book Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Hi Besties!
Thank you so much for joining in with reading our second Bestie Book Club choice - The Midnight Library by Matt Haig!
Our live discussion in the Bestie Facebook group was really interesting - opinions were a little divided about this book.
Here are some of the thoughts of the Book Club besties…
“I'm not sure what I thought of it. Was pretty weird and hard to read in places. Definitely left me thinking about it for a few days. But liked the overall meaning of it”
“Second time reading it, and I enjoyed it way more than the first time. Already want to read it again!”
“I didn’t particularly enjoy this one, found it a bit depressing and mawkish”
“I found it quite thought provoking...also kind of reassuring, which I think was the point...?”
“I can’t make up my mind whether I liked it or not I liked the meaning but found the ending to be kinda cliche and not really for me”
“I honestly really totally adored it. Really resonated with so much of it and want to read again immediately.”
“I like the fact that it is so caring, empathetic and sympathetic to mental health and not the stereotypical get over it or man up vibe. I like how it was delicately handled. Emotions were a rollercoaster but if you can make it to the end the whole journey is worth the read.”
“I found it generally easy to read in terms of the writing style, but there were some heavy messages and deep topics covered, so I found it challenging but in a good way”
It was really interesting to have such a varied bunch of opinions, and talk about why we may have felt the way we each did about the book.
We also talked about the merits of physical books, audiobooks and reading on a digital device, and what our reading styles were.
And of course there was plenty of chat about snacks!
If you’d like to watch the full live discussion of The Midnight Library, you can find it here in the Besties Facebook group.
I also revealed the winner of the poll for our next book, which was The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.
If you’re new to the Bestie Book Club, and would like to join in, everyone’s welcome!
You can sign up to our Bestie Book Club email list here, where I’ll email you all the deets you need.
We have a live discussion in the Besties Facebook group at 7pm on the 20th of each month, where we chat about the book we’ve just read, and I reveal the winner of the next book.
If you have any questions about the book club, please pop an email to :)
Thank you so much for being part of our lovely book club, besties!
Holly x
I loved reading it some of it I can understand how they feel and where their coming from am I suffer from bipolar, scitafena, depression and anxiety I love reading about other people’s problems so I can think of a way to help them get through the day with a coping strategy it works for me but I don’t just use one I have about four different ones.
Sugar and Sloth replied:
Ooh, thank you so much Jan, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the book, thank you for being part of the book club! :) x
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