How to make the most of your first counselling session

A little potato bird hug

Well done bestie, you've taken that sometimes scary first step, and lined up your first counselling session!

We've recently been talking about our first counselling sessions in the Bestie Facebook Group.

Here are some top tips from our wise besties.

It's Good to cry: a Water Cycle

1. Don't be afraid to ramble

Remember the session is for YOU, so use it however you like, there is no right or wrong way.

2. Line!

Take notes throughout the week of things you'd like to discuss, and bring those notes with you.

If you don't know what to say, ask for a prompt, like a simple question.

3. You might cry

If you're bawling your eyes out as soon as you sit down, it's ok, actually it's very common so never feel embarrassed to reach for the tissues.

4. It's ok to change therapist.

It doesn't mean you, or they have failed, it just might not be the right fit, you might have to meet with a few to find one that will be able to make you feel comfortable.

5. Ask for homework

Ask what you could work on before the next session to get the most out of your time together.

What advice would you give someone before their first counselling session?

Thank you besties for being so amazing and wise, love you! 💖

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