What does Neurospicy mean?

What does Neurospicy mean?

This is the question I've been asked so many times since I started embracing this term with my Neurospicy enamel pin design and other goodies.

Neurospicy is a brand new word popping up all over the random little corners of the internet I like to inhabit.

And I'm seeing lots of weird and wonderful definitions.

So I'm here to set the record straight...

It's NOTHING to do with food, or mind games.

Neurospicy is a fun way to say neurodiverse or describe the neurodivergent community.

So, what is Neurodivergent?

Neurodivergent is an umbrella term for different ways of thinking or experiencing the world that differ from what is considered ‘typical’ in society (also referred to as neurotypical).

It encompasses conditions such as autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyscalculia, Tourette syndrome and others.

The idea behind this term is that everyone's brain works differently, so there isn't one way of thinking or experiencing things that applies to everyone.

This concept has become increasingly important as people start to realize that those who are neurodiverse don't need to be "fixed" or "cured" - they just need support and understanding.

Neurodiversity can be seen as a strength rather than a limitation since those with these conditions often have unique perspectives and ideas which can be extremely valuable. In fact, many companies have started embracing neurodiversity in their hiring practices in order to tap into this potential source of creativity and innovation.

Neurodivergence or neurospiciness is an incredibly important concept which should not be overlooked or underestimated.

By understanding what it means for individuals who experience it and learning how we can best support them, we can create an inclusive environment where everyone feels accepted regardless of their differences.

Why say Neurospicy instead of neurodivergent?

Because it's more much fun, and sounds way less intimidating!

Us neurodivergents (especially those with ADHD, like me!) hate to be bored and love coming up with new fun (extra points if they are a little bit silly too) concepts.

When I hear the word neurospicy I think of cute little chilli pepper and it makes me smile.

Also, extra bonus, neurospicy is way easier to spell than then neurodivergent, which is great for those of us with dyslexia (oh, me again!).

So if you're part of the neurodiverse community, and you like the sound of this fun new term, I encourage you to embrace it!


  • Maveeeee

    You’re leaving out some other thinking patterns. OCD;PTSD.

  • Maveeeee

    You’re leaving out some other thinking patterns. OCD;PTSD.

  • Jody

    I love the word neurospicy, a term I’d like to try on for size, but the word suggest a more flashy personality which I’m not. Actually, over the years, I’ve perfected it & other useful persona as costumes I can don in certain situations (when I’m not feeling socially overwhelmed). This ’spicy’character grew out of a disdain for the myriad of ‘deer in the headlight’ photos of me as a child. I have no social understanding (and face blindness makes it worse)…thus, there was no way of fitting in to any crowd at school. So as I got older I perfected interesting persona that fit where needed. There I spend most of my time in incognito. “Artsy”, “Geek”, “Quiet” & “Eccentric” are easier but I did “Spicy” well enough in my younger adult years… So now I understand that I really need to be with my own tribe so I can just be me. Y’know, people who understand that I don’t always have something to contribute to the conversation, that it’s okay if I can’t remember numbers or dates, (that part of my brain doesn’t exist)…and that I can only pretend to recognize facial cues, but I don’t. I’m just good at mimicking others. So I want to join the neurospicy group chat or support group or a place folks share tips we’ve discovered along our journey, with others who could use them…in a safe environment…directions please.
    Sugar and Sloth replied:
    Hi Jody, thank you so much for sharing your experiences lovely! Have you found our Besties Facebook group? It’s a lovely, safe, supportive place and you would be so welcome :) You can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sugarandslothbesties Thank you so much for all your support :) x

  • Nancy Clark •

    ✌️Don’t know how I found this page, so Thank You, God, for leading me here!
    Greetings from the Good Old USA 🇺🇸
    Sugar and Sloth replied:
    Aww yay, you’re so welcome here Nancy, I’m so pleased you found us! :) x

  • Amina

    I like this concept. Thank you for all the clarifications & yayyyy finally a way to welcome & accept everyone in this world without discrimination.
    All the love ❤️
    Sugar and Sloth replied:
    Aww thank you so much Amina! <3 x

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