How to cope with Christmas Anxiety

How to cope with Christmas Anxiety
🎄 Christmas is coming again, and for lots of people, this is a really exciting time of year. 🎄

💖 But for some of us, the festive season can bring feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. 💖

Here are some tips to help if you're feeling anxious about the festive season:

🐸 It's ok if everything doesn't go to plan
Remember if something goes wrong, it’s ok, and can often make for a funny story.

🎀 Don't put pressure on yourself to be jolly for everyone else just because that's what people tell you to be. It's only one day out of 365.

🐸 What's been good this year?
I try to think of 12 good things that have happened to me In the past year, and some how I always come up with more.

🎀 Make time for you
Do something small that lightens your load or makes YOU happy this season

🐸 Spend the day doing what makes you happy, the ultimate self care. You want to sit in your pyjamas and eat handfuls of cheese while watching cartoons, you flipping well do it.

🎀 Make your own traditions.
You don’t have to sit round the table and have a roast. Sit on bean bags and have sausages and chips! You do what’s best for your family.

🐸 Plan yourself a day of doing everything that makes you happy. Watch your favourite film / TV programme. Eat your favourite meal. It's ok not to do Christmas stuff

🎀 If you can't/don't want to do Christmas there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

🐸 And remember...
However you end up spending the day, please know you're loved and besties will be thinking of you.

Do you have any advice for besties who find Christmas a difficult time of year?

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